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September 26, 2022

Crurated Becomes the First Blockchain and Member-Based Wine Community to Offer Fractional Barrel Sales Backed by NFT Technology

Crurated Becomes the First Blockchain and Member-Based Wine Community to Offer Fractional Barrel Sales Backed by NFT Technology New features give Crurated Members the ability to buy fractions of wine in barrels and customize exclusive bottle formats and labeling Participating world-renowned producers include Domaine Fourrier, Charles Lachaux, Domaine Robert Groffier, Domaine Vincent Dancer, Domaine De […]

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Crurated devient la première communauté viticole basée sur la blockchain et les membres à proposer des ventes fractionnées de tonneaux soutenues par la technologie NFT

De nouvelles fonctionnalités donnent aux membres de Crurated la possibilité d’acheter des fractions de vin dans des tonneaux et de personnaliser des formats de bouteilles et des étiquettes exclusifs Les producteurs de renommée mondiale participants comprennent le Domaine Fourrier, Charles Lachaux, le Domaine Robert Groffier, le Domaine Vincent Dancer, le Domaine De Montille et le […]

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Crurated Torna-se a Primeira Blockchain e Comunidade de Vinhos Baseada em Membros a Oferecer Vendas Fracionadas em Barril Apoiadas pela Tecnologia NFT

Novos recursos oferecem aos Membros da Crurated a capacidade de compra de vinho fracionada em barril e de personalização exclusiva de formatos e rotulagem de garrafas Domaine Fourrier, Charles Lachaux, Domaine Robert Groffier, Domaine Vincent Dancer, Domaine De Montille e Domaine Pierre Girardin são os produtores de renome mundial que estão participando do programa LONDRES, […]

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Early Warning System for Drought Implemented in PNG by CREWS

Developing countries, least developed countries (LDCs) and small island developing states (SIDS) are particularly vulnerable to impact of climate extremes, including drought which could lead to water crisis or severe food shortage. Recognizing urgency of enhancing Early Warning System (EWS) to assist vulnerable countries with climate change adaptation, Climate Risk and Early Warning Systems (CREWS) international initiative has been established in 2015. CREWS presently operates in countries in Africa, Asia, the Pacific and the Caribbean improving EWS to protect the most vulnerable population against hydro-meteorological hazards like droughts, floods, and tropical cyclones. The World Meteorological Organization (WMO), working in partnership

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WHO South-East Asia Region polio-free, accelerated efforts needed in view of increased risks: experts

The WHO South-East Asia Region sustained its polio-free status despite disruptions caused by COVID-19 pandemic but needs to scale-up measures in view of the persisting and increased risks of polio globally. “Countries have been making efforts, but gaps persist, specially at sub-national level. We need to scale-up surveillance and immunization coverage and update our polio outbreak response capacities to respond rapidly and timely in the event of a polio outbreak,” said Dr Poonam Khetrapal Singh, Regional Director WHO South-East Asia as the South-East Asia Regional Certification Commission for Polio Eradication met here to review the situation in the Region. The

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Situation of ECOWAS Citizens Stranded in Niger in the Course of Migrating to Europe: ECOWAS Sends a High-level and Technical Assessment Mission

Abuja, Nigeria, September 24, 2022. A high-level mission of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) led by Prof. Fatou Sow Sarr, Commissioner of Human Development and Social Affairs of the ECOWAS Commission, will visit the Republic of Niger to review with the Niger authorities and the International Office for Migration (IOM) the situation of the region’s citizens stranded in the country while on transit migration to North Africa and Europe from September 25 to 30, 2022. In Niger, the mission comprising of Member States’ Ministers of Foreign Affairs or their representatives from the most affected Member States (Guinea,

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Huawei accueille le 9e Sommet mondial du rail à Berlin

BERLIN, 26 septembre 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Parallèlement à l’InnoTrans 2022, Huawei a organisé le 9e Sommet mondial du rail de Huawei, dont le thème était « Conduire la numérisation dans le rail du futur, créer une nouvelle valeur ensemble ». Le sommet a réuni des leaders mondiaux de l’industrie, des partenaires de l’écosystème et des experts techniques pour discuter […]

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Uplifting the youth of Saint Lucia

CASTRIES, Saint Lucia, Sept. 26, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Countries across the globe have recognised the importance of investing in their youth. Beyond providing basic amenities such as healthcare, education, employment and housing to their citizens, developing economies need to act purposefully to uplift their young populations. These efforts largely define how rapidly a nation […]

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CNBM Open Day: Build a “forest factory”and guard our green home

LUSAKA, Zambia, Sept. 26, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — A news report from GLOBAL TIMES ONLINE: Recently, China National Building Material Group Co., Ltd. (CNBM) held an online open day at the Zambia Industrial Park in Lusaka, capital of Zambia, and focused on “intelligent manufacturing” to promote “environmental protection”, striving to realize the corporate mission of “materials […]

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