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November 9, 2022

L’Indonésie en passe de devenir le centre mondial de l’économie de la charia

DUBAÏ, Émirats arabes unis, 9 novembre 2022 /PRNewswire/ — PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk (BSI) a affirmé l’engagement de l’Indonésie à devenir l’un des centres de la finance islamique mondiale, à travers l’introduction de quatre programmes visant à renforcer cet écosystème en Indonésie et à l’étranger. Le ministre des entreprises publiques, Erick Thohir, a dirigé […]

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Morrow Sodali Fortalece sua Posição de Liderança no Mercado com a Nova Aquisição Australiana

Aquisição das principais comunicações financeiras australianas e do player de relações com investidores, a Citadel-MAGNUS impulsionará o rápido crescimento e a expansão significativa NOVA YORK, Nov. 09, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Morrow Sodali, empresa líder mundial em engajamento de acionistas e assessoria em governança, anunciou hoje a aquisição da agência australiana de comunicação financeira e […]

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IAEA at COP27: New Report Shows How Nuclear Technology Supports Climate Change Adaptation in Africa

At this year’s United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27) in Egypt, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) released a comprehensive report on Nuclear Technologies and Climate Adaptation in Africa, describing how these technologies are already being widely used to build resilience on the continent.   Africa has contributed very little to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and yet key sectors are already experiencing the damaging consequences of climate change. The United Nations has observed that increased temperatures or drought have sharply reduced agricultural productivity growth in Africa in the past six decades and caused regional economic losses of $70 billion in

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Comoros ex-president to face charges of high treason: Lawyer

MORONI— Former Comorian President Ahmed Abdallah Sambi will be tried on charges of high treason, his lawyer and family said, after spending four years in detention over corruption allegations.   The former head of state (2006-2011), the main opponent of the current president Azali Assoumani, was originally prosecuted for “embezzlement of public funds, corruption, forgery and use of forgeries” in the scandal known as “economic citizenship”, which involved the sale of Comorian passports to stateless people from the Gulf States.   “They are talking to us today about high treason, a crime that will justify a heavier sentence before the

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African Nations Closely Watch US Midterm Results

With control of Congress still undecided a day after the U.S. midterm elections, African leaders and political analysts are closely watching for signs of what impact the outcome could have on the continent. African analysts say their biggest concern is how this contentious poll could affect U.S. standing around the world — especially in African nations that have seen democratic backsliding. There are also economic concerns over how the U.S. responds to rising inflation around the world. Wednesday trading showed that African markets were closely watching the impact on the most popular U.S. export: the dollar. On a more personal

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WHO Urges ‘Immediate’ Food, Medical Aid for Tigray 

The World Health Organization called Wednesday for a massive influx of food and medicines into Ethiopia’s Tigray region, saying desperately needed aid had not yet been allowed in following the cease-fire combatants reached last week. WHO said people in Tigray needed urgent assistance after two years of bloody conflict, with access to the region severely restricted. The conflict between government forces and Tigrayan rebels has plunged Ethiopia’s northernmost region into a severe humanitarian crisis, with only a trickle of relief having gotten through. WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus welcomed the breakthrough cease-fire agreement reached November 2 but warned it was

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Hitachi Energy to provide world’s first SF6-free 420 kV gas-insulated switchgear technology at TenneT’s grid connection in Germany

Contributing to TenneT’s carbon neutrality goals to build a sustainable and resilient grid in Germany Zurich, Switzerland, Nov. 09, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Hitachi Energy announced today it will provide the world’s first sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) free 420-kilovolt (kV) gas-insulated switchgear (GIS) technology and a state-of-the-art modular prefabricated grid connection solution at a key node […]

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Morrow Sodali renforce sa position de leader du marché avec une nouvelle acquisition australienne

L’achat de Citadel-MAGNUS, acteur clé de la communication financière et des relations avec les investisseurs en Australie, stimulera une croissance rapide et une expansion significative de la société. NEW YORK, 09 nov. 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Morrow Sodali, le plus grand cabinet de conseil en gouvernance et en engagement des actionnaires au monde, a annoncé […]

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Com as Festas de Fim de Ano se Aproximando, Crurated Anuncia Mais Leilões Fracionados em Barril Apoiados pela Tecnologia NFT Com Enólogos da França e da Itália

Para presentear, colecionar ou se deliciar todos os dias, o novo calendário apresenta alguns dos melhores produtores da Europa e cobre o restante de 2022 LONDRES, Nov. 08, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Com a temporada de festas e presentes chegando, a Crurated, uma comunidade de vinhos baseada em blockchain e assinatura, lançou um novo calendário […]

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