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November 15, 2022

Vencedoras do 19º Annual Stevie® Awards para Mulheres Empresariais

Cerimônia em Las Vegas Homenageou Empresas de Mulheres e Profissionais Mulheres Vencedoras do 19º Stevie Awards para Mulheres Empresariais FAIRFAX, Va., Nov. 15, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Chamando a atenção para as mulheres executivas, empreendedoras e organizações administradas por mulheres, as vencedoras do Stevie® Awards for Women in Business de 2022 foram anunciadas na sexta-feira, […]

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Annonce des gagnantes de la 19e édition annuelle des Prix Stevie® pour les femmes entrepreneurs

Des professionnelles et des entreprises appartenant à des femmes ont été récompensées lors d’une cérémonie de remise des prix à Las Vegas Annonce des gagnantes dans le programme des 19e Prix Stevie pour les femmes entrepreneurs FAIRFAX, Virginie, 15 nov. 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mettant en vedette les femmes cadres, les entrepreneuses et les entreprises […]

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Over 600 Civilians Killed In Somali Terror Attacks Since Jan: UN Official

MOGADISHU– At least 613 civilians have been killed and 948 injured in Somalia, since Jan this year, a senior United Nations (UN) official said, yesterday.   Volker Turk, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, decried the sharp rise in civilian casualties in Somalia, due largely to attacks by the al-Shabab group, which has exacerbated the already grim human rights and humanitarian situation for the people of Somalia.   “This year has brought an abrupt halt to a general decline in deaths and injuries, documented since 2017. I am deeply concerned that more Somalis continue to lose their lives on

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World Population Hits 8 Billion, Creating Many Challenges

The world’s population is projected to hit an estimated 8 billion people on Tuesday, according to a United Nations projection, with much of the growth coming from developing nations in Africa. Among them is Nigeria, where resources are already stretched to the limit. More than 15 million people in Lagos compete for everything from electricity to light their homes to spots on crowded buses, often for two-hour commutes each way in this sprawling megacity. Some Nigerian children set off for school as early as 5 a.m. And over the next three decades, the West African nation’s population is expected to

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First Trucks of Aid Reach Ethiopia’s Tigray Since Cease-Fire

Two trucks carrying medical supplies arrived in Ethiopia’s Tigray region on Tuesday, the first shipment of international aid to reach the region since Ethiopia’s federal government and Tigrayan forces agreed to a cease-fire earlier this month. The convoy by the International Committee of the Red Cross or ICRC delivered 40 tons of “essential items, emergency medicines and surgical equipment” to Mekelle, Tigray’s regional capital, according to an ICRC statement. Until today, no international aid had entered Tigray by road since late August. Restrictions on humanitarian access since the conflict erupted in November 2020 have resulted in a dire humanitarian crisis

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l’investissement de l’ICANN en Afrique permet un accès à Internet plus sûr et plus rapide sur tout le continent

Mise en service de la cinquième grappe mondiale de serveurs racine gérés par l’ICANN à Nairobi (Kenya) NAIROBI, Kenya, 15 novembre 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Les internautes africains bénéficieront bientôt d’un accès plus rapide aux services sur Internet et d’une meilleure protection contre les cyberattaques. La Société pour l’attribution des noms de domaine et des numéros […]

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ICANN Investment in Africa Enables Safer, Faster Internet Access Across the Continent

Fifth Worldwide ICANN Managed Root Server Cluster Goes Live in Nairobi, Kenya. NAIROBI, Kenya, Nov. 15, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Internet users in Africa will soon have faster access to services on the Internet and better protection from cyberattacks. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), in cooperation with its regional partners, is deploying […]

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En préambule à la journée dédiée à l’énergie de la COP27, les forêts africaines dans la ligne de mire de l’expansion du pétrole et du gaz : une menace pour les écosystèmes et les communautés du monde entier 

SHARM EL-SHEIKH, Égypte, 14 novembre 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Alors que les dirigeants de la planète se réunissent pour la « Journée sur l’énergie » lors de la COP27 (mardi 15 novembre), un nouveau rapport expose la menace que fait peser l’expansion des combustibles fossiles sur les forêts tropicales africaines, essentielles pour le climat, et soulève des doutes […]

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Ahead of COP27 Energy Day, African Forests in Crosshairs of Oil and Gas Expansion: A Threat Facing Ecosystems and Communities Globally

SHARM EL-SHEIKH, Egypt, Nov. 14, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — As global leaders gather for ‘Energy Day’ at COP27 on Tuesday November 15, a new report highlights how fossil fuel expansion threatens Africa’s climate-critical tropical forests and casts doubt over how this will serve the region’s energy needs. Congo in the Crosshairs, a new analysis of oil […]

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