January 23, 2022

Omicron Spike Tests COVID Prevention Efforts at Immigration Facilities

The rapidly spreading omicron variant is testing the ability of U.S. authorities to keep tens of thousands of migrants healthy at crowded detention centers, where COVID-19 prevention measures were virtually nonexistent at the beginning of the pandemic but have since improved. More than 2,540 people tested positive for COVID-19 Friday in the Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s 198 immigration detention centers nationwide, according to ICE data, an increase of more than 792% from 285 cases reported on January 3. The surge comes amid a nationwide increase in infections because of the more transmissible omicron variant of the coronavirus. Even so, ICE

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Netherlands: Stowaway smoked out of aircraft nose wheel arriving from South AFRICA

AMSTERDAM, Police in the Dutch city of Amsterdam discovered a stowaway hidden in the nose wheel of a cargo plane arriving from South Africa, a spokeswoman said Sunday. The unidentified man is believed to have slipped on board the plane before it left Johannesburg, Royal Dutch Military Police spokeswoman Joanne Helmonds said. “The man was found alive in the nosewheel section of the plane and was taken to hospital in a stable condition,” she said. The man was not identified, but officials said he is believed to be between 16 and 35 years old, news outlet reported. Helmonds said police had opened a probe into the incident. “It is quite

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Milan loses Ibrahimović to injury in 0-0 draw against Juve

Milan, AC Milan lost more ground on league leader Inter Milan and also lost another important player ahead of the derby as it drew 0-0 against Juventus at San Siro.   Key forward Zlatan Ibrahimović limped off in the 28th minute with an apparent Achilles tendon problem. The 40-year-old Ibrahimović will likely join several other regulars on the injury list, AP reports.   Milan slipped to third in Serie A, below Napoli on goal difference. Head-to-head is the first tiebreaker at the end of the season. Milan is four points behind Inter, having played a match more, and meets the

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