October 10, 2022

Kenya intercepts Ksh 102M in undeclared US currency from 6 female travellers arriving from India

NAIROBI— Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) customs officials have intercepted six female travellers with undeclared foreign currency equivalent to Ksh 102 million.   According to KRA Commissioner for Customs and Border Control, the six travellers had arrived from India with undeclared US dollars in their luggage at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA).   “The currency was concealed in their luggage containing personal items and was discovered during a routine scanning process by the Customs officers at the airport,” said KRA.   The officers discovered undeclared currency concealed in their luggage totalling US$857,300.   “KRA encourages passengers to correctly declare all

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World Mental Health Day Marked on Monday

Monday is World Mental Health Day. To mark the day, the World Health Organization has launched a campaign to “raise awareness and spur action” in regions where there are high rates of death by suicide. The world health body said that the pandemic has created “a global crisis for mental health,” in a statement Monday, adding that it is “fueling short- and long-term stresses and undermining the mental health of millions.” “Estimates put the rise in both anxiety and depressive disorders at more than 25% during the first year of the pandemic,” the U.N. agency said. “At the same time,

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UN Refugee Agency Appeals for Greater Protection to People Fleeing Conflict, Persecution

In an opening speech to the UNHCR’s Executive Committee, U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi appealed to member states to provide protection to people fleeing conflict and persecution, regardless of ethnicity and nationality. The U.N. refugee agency (UNHCR) reports the number of people forcibly displaced by armed conflict, violence, discrimination, persecution, and climate shocks has hit an all-time high of 100 million. High Commissioner Filippo Grandi says the climate emergency increasingly drives displacement, making life harder for those already uprooted. He says the link between climate change and displacement is clear and growing. “We see it in the Horn

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After Fleeing War, Ukrainians Struggle to Settle Around Europe

Ukrainian psychologist Tatyana Bogkova was on a birthday trip in Poland with her mother and 4-year-old daughter when Russian troops invaded her homeland earlier this year. With shells raining on Kharkiv city and her policeman husband staying to fight, the 32-year-old chose to take refuge in Spain, where she quickly translated her CV and took language lessons in hopes of a job. She is still searching. “I am not afraid of any job, but I would like to do what I learned,” Bogkova said in a Madrid cafe near a Catholic Church aid center, which together with a family offered

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