November 16, 2022

New government of St Kitts and Nevis ready to usher in new sense of cooperation and good governance, hints at changes to the country’s CBI programme

Basseterre, Nov. 16, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — St Kitts and Nevis welcomed a new government in August and the new administration, led by Dr Terrance Drew, is ready and determined to usher in a new sense of cooperation, good governance, and transparency – starting with steps to improve the country’s long-standing citizenship by investment (CBI) programme. In his address […]

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New High-Yielding Perennial Rice Sees Sustainability Success Catalyzed by Global Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing Approach

Salina, Kansas, USA, Nov. 16, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Over 70% of the food calories that feed humanity come from annual grain crops, which occupy 60–80% of global croplands. But annual grain dominance may be changing. A study in the journal Nature Sustainability reports that a new high-yielding, long-lived perennial rice with significant environmental, economic, and social […]

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Vinamilk investit dans de nouvelles méga-laiteries pour accélérer la capacité d’approvisionnement pour l’exportation

HO CHI MINH VILLE, Vietnam, 16 novembre 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Vinamilk, la principale entreprise laitière du Vietnam, a réalisé des progrès importants en veillant à ce que sa capacité de production puisse répondre à la demande intérieure et extérieure au cours des deux ou trois prochaines années grâce à deux projets de construction essentiels. Le […]

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AirShow China 2022 : le drone tactique de LoongUAV attire l’attention

ZHUHAI, Chine, 16 novembre 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Le 13 novembre 2022, le 14e Salon aéronautique chinois s’est terminé en beauté à Zhuhai. De nombreux UAV intéressants ont été exposés dans le cadre de ce salon aéronautique, tels que l’UAV d’inspection à grande échelle et d’attaque WJ-700 « Falcon » de la troisième académie des sciences […]

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UNICEF calls for investment in world’s first child-focused climate risk financing solution

SHARM EL SHEIKH, 16 November 2022 – UNICEF is launching a new climate financing initiative to enhance countries’ climate resilience and disaster preparedness for children and youth and bolster protection for children from the impacts of future climate-related disasters.   The Today and Tomorrow initiative is an integrated climate change finance solution that, for the first time, combines funding for immediate climate resilience and risk prevention programmes for children today, with an innovative use of risk transfer finance provided by the insurance market for cyclone disasters tomorrow. The combined financing platform is designed to help countries address the current and

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