November 27, 2022

UN wildlife conference ends with protection for 500 species

PANAMA CITY— An international conference on trade in endangered species ended in Panama, with protections established for over 500 species.   The measures were approved by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, known by its initials as CITES.   The conference agreed to tighten trade regulations on sharks targeted by the fin trade and tiny frogs with translucent skin.   Global shark populations are declining, with annual deaths due to fisheries reaching about 100 million. The sharks are sought mostly for their fins, which are used in shark fin soup, a popular delicacy

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UN strongly condemns airfield attack in Central African Republic; 1 peacekeeper killed

UNITED NATIONS— The United Nations (UN) on Saturday strongly condemned an attack on an airfield in southeastern Central African Republic (CAR) which left a Moroccan peacekeeper dead.   The attack against UN peacekeepers at the Obo airfield on Thursday happened during a UN-led operation to secure the perimeter of the airfield to allow planes to land.   In his statement released via his spokesperson’s office, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres strongly condemned the attack and expressed his deepest condolences to the family of the fallen peacekeeper and to the kingdom and people of Morocco.   He said that such attacks “may

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Al-Shabab Militants Storm Mogadishu Hotel

Al-Shabab militants have carried out a complex attack on a hotel located in a secure area not far from the presidential palace in Mogadishu and a prison run by the national intelligence agency, according to witnesses and police. “Tonight Khawarij group attacked a hotel in Bondhere district,” said a note sent to the journalists via WhatsApp. “Security forces are conducting an operation to end the Khawarij attack.” Khawarij or “deviant sect,” is a term the government uses to refer to al-Shabab. A security official who did not want to be named confirmed to VOA Somali that the militants targeted Villa

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