December 6, 2022

Death Toll From Rebels’ Massacre Close to 300, Says DRC

The Democratic Republic of Congo says the civilian death toll from what it calls a massacre by rebels with the March 23 movement, known as M23, has risen to 272. The increased death toll was announced at a press briefing Monday in Kinshasa by Minister of Industry and former governor of North Kivu province, Julien Paluku. The Congolese army last week accused the March 23 movement rebels, M23, of killing at least 50 civilians in North Kivu’s Kishishe village. The government later increased the estimate to more than 100. But Paluku said figures from local groups put the death toll

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Sweegen announces growth capital investments and manufacturing partnership ahead of Food Ingredients Europe 2022

Momentum from global regulatory approvals and customers’ product launches drives strong valuation and investment demand. Rancho Santa Margarita, Calif., Dec. 05, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Sweegen announced its strategic investment and partnership snapshot ahead of the FI Europe 2022, where it will exhibit zero sugar solutions in immersive food experiences, displaying consumers’ favorite foods and […]

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Des jeunes partager leurs réflexions sur la Chine et le monde lors du Forum Génération Z 2022 à l’Université Tsinghua

Pendant le Forum, un étudiant, Liu Dibo, partage ses expériences de bénévolat aux Jeux olympiques d’hiver à Beijing BEIJING, 6 décembre 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Liu Dibo, étudiant de l’Université Tsinghua (« Tsinghua »), a partagé ses expériences de bénévolat aux Jeux olympiques d’hiver de Beijing 2022 lors du Forum mondial Génération Z 2022 (« le Forum »). Le Forum, co-organisé par l’Université Tsinghua […]

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