December 12, 2022

Founder of TechLit Africa Is CNN’s Hero of the Year

Nelly Cheboi is CNN’s 2022 Hero of the Year, honored for her efforts in providing computer training for rural Kenya schoolchildren through her non-profit TechLit Africa. Cheboi grew up in grinding poverty in rural Kenya. “I never forgot what it was like with my stomach churning because of hunger at night,” even though her mother “worked really hard to educate us,” she said on CNN Sunday. Online voters selected Cheboi as the top winner from a field of 10 heroes. On a full scholarship at Augustana College in Illinois, she “fell in love” with computer science and knew she had

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How Committed Is US to Africa? $55B Worth, White House Says

The United States will demonstrate its commitment to the African continent with $55 billion in pledges, national security adviser Jake Sullivan said Monday on the eve of a three-day summit of 50 high-level African delegations in Washington. “The U.S. will commit $55 billion to Africa over the course of the next three years, across a wide range of sectors, to tackle the core challenges of our time,” Sullivan said. “These commitments build on the United States’ long-standing leadership and partnership in development, economic growth, health and security in Africa.” “We will shower you with details about those deliverables” as the

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