December 20, 2022

WFP South-South Quarterly Newsletter (December 2022)

Quarterly newsletter to keep WFP colleagues at country, regional and global level up to date with latest developments on South-South cooperation   The quarterly newsletter provides WFP colleagues working at the country, regional and global levels with a regular update on South-South cooperation and provides a vehicle to showcase and share South-South project experiences.   The following articles are included in this edition:   The Rome Based Agencies, JICA, and IFNA explore SSTC collaboration on Home Grown School Feeding as Follow-Up to the Global South-South Development Expo Update: Second PRO-CoE Directors dialogue Takeaways from the SSTC Corporate Survey and the

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Southern Africa – Monthly Flow Monitoring Registry Report (November 2022)

IOM works with national and local authorities in order to gain a better understanding of population movements throughout Southern Africa. Through the setup of Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs), IOM seeks to quantify migration flows, trends and routes and to gain a better understanding of the profiles of observed individuals at entry, transit or exit points (such as border crossing posts, bus stations, rest areas, police checkpoints and reception centres). This report is an overview of the data collected in these FMPs from 1 to 30 November 2022.   Inter-regional migration from and within the Southern Africa is categorized along the

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UN: International Support Can Pull Back Somalia From Brink of Famine

U.N. agencies say that large-scale, sustained humanitarian assistance can prevent Somalia’s looming famine from turning into a full-blown disaster in the coming months. Thanks to generous international support this year, famine in Somalia has been delayed. But the threat of mass starvation in 2023 remains due to a fifth year of consecutive drought, skyrocketing food prices, and intensifying conflict. A recent U.N. food assessment found the number of people facing acute food insecurity could rise to 8.3 million by April and the number of Somalis facing catastrophic food insecurity could increase to more than 700,000 by June. It warned some

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JA Solar va fournir des modules PV à la première centrale photovoltaïque et de transformation des déchets en énergie en République du Congo

PÉKIN, 20 novembre 2022 /PRNewswire/ — JA Solar a récemment annoncé qu’elle fournira des modules pour IGNIE 2021-2046, la première centrale hybride renouvelable et la première centrale photovoltaïque (PV) et de transformation des déchets en énergie, dans la zone économique spéciale d’IGNIE en République du Congo. Ce projet comprend une centrale de stockage d’énergie photovoltaïque de […]

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