November 6, 2022

EAC-led eastern DR Congo peace process on track

ARUSHA (Tanzania)— The peace process on eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) led by the East African Community (EAC) is on track, the EAC said in a statement.   The statement issued by the EAC headquarters in Tanzania’s northern city of Arusha said the peace process was reviewed during a consultative meeting on Friday in the Burundian capital Bujumbura, by the chairperson of the EAC summit of heads of state, Burundian President Evariste Ndayishimiye and EAC facilitator on the peace process in the eastern region of the DRC and former Kenyan president Uhuru Kenyatta.   According to the statement, the

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World Bank approves South Africa’s $497m request for Komati power plant’s decommission, repurposing

The World Bank has approved South Africa’s request for a $497 million project to decommission and repurpose the Komati coal-fired power plant using renewables and batteries.   In a statement, the World Bank said the project would also create opportunities for the affected workers and communities.   “This is in line with the government’s efforts to transition the country toward a low carbon development path with reliable, affordable, and sustainable energy for all. Addressing energy poverty and transitioning toward lower carbon development requires a reliable power sector to underpin inclusive economic growth,” said the Bank.   The Komati Project aims

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Activists Fear for Qatar Workers as World Cup Spotlight Dims

In the face of heavy international criticism, Qatar has enacted a raft of reforms in recent years, including the partial dismantling of a system that tied workers to their employers and enacting a minimum wage — changes praised by the U.N. as well as rights groups. But activists say abuses ranging from unpaid wages to harsh working conditions in one of the hottest countries on Earth, are still widespread, and that workers — who are barred from forming unions or striking — have few realistic avenues to pursue justice. They also worry about what happens after the monthlong tournament ends

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Last Total Lunar Eclipse for Three Years Arrives Tuesday

Better catch the moon’s disappearing act Tuesday — there won’t be another like it for three years. The total lunar eclipse will be visible throughout North America in the predawn hours — the farther west, the better — and across Asia, Australia and the rest of the Pacific after sunset. As an extra treat, Uranus will be visible just a finger’s width above the moon, resembling a bright star. Totality will last nearly 1 1/2 hours — from 5:16 a.m. to 6:42 a.m. EST — as Earth passes directly between the moon and sun. Known as a blood moon, it

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